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All about me....

My name is Chelsey, I’m 26 years young, love to live my life my way while being the crazy non shy, outgoing person I am, although I’m not a huge people person, but yet I needs people in my life🤦🏼‍♀️

I am a mother to a crazy, spunky, sarcastic five year old that thinks she is fifteen!! She is a mini me that I can’t believe already has this awesome personality of her own!! She loves Lady Gaga already, which I am so proud!

I was once married to Baby girls dad, but went through a horrible, ugly divorce in 2017 after three years of marriage. Yes the divorce was ugly but I wont talk about that, but I will talk about how we had three years apart and was able to grow and learn from our mistakes and now have been back together for almost a year coming March 27th!! We have not gotten remarried or even engaged, but our little secret....I am so ready for that day to come!!!💍

We just moved into our new forever home right outside of the town where we first meet back in 2014 when we was both active duty military. Fort Riley is where it all happened; we meet, we got married, and we had Serenity. Once we left Kansas and moved to my home state of Kentucky everything went down hill and we both went our own ways and found that Kansas is our home.

Please continue to follow along as I make posts to catch you up on everything!!!

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